You've created an amazing product

We make sure your customers can enjoy it

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Downtime is expensive

A 2022 survey shows that 95% of businesses faced unexpected downtime

The cost per minute for small businesses lands around $427

Every minute of downtime larger businesses lose almost $9,000

We're on guard 24/7 to keep the uptime. You can focus on bringing more value to your customers.

Denis Prysukhin, CTO

CTO photo

We possess the key to maintaining infinite uptime


Always on board

Production never sleeps, and neither do we. We've got you covered 24/7/365


Always watching

We track infrastructure events and performance metrics to ensure your customers have an excellent experience


One step ahead

We detect potential incidents before they occur. Finding the cause sooner means fixing it faster


Guiding to perfection

There is always room for improvement. We suggest optimization based on performance metrics


Backing you up

Having a reliable disaster recovery is the only way to prevent data loss. We maintain backups of your data to a storage of your choice


In a matter of minutes

We provide the response time your business actually requires

We ensure you get service that meets your requirements


To provide accurate recommendations for the SRE plan that suits you best, we need a clear understanding of your infrastructure's setup and scale. Hence, our journey commences with an audit, as it enables us to gain insights and eliminate blind spots. This way, we can lay a solid foundation for informed decision-making.


Deeds carry more weight than mere words. Once you have chosen the SRE plan that suits your needs, we proceed to establish an SLA that encompasses regulated SLOs, including a commitment to guaranteed uptime. This contractual commitment reinforces our dedication to delivering the agreed-upon level of service.


Once the Commitment step has been completed, we implement a robust monitoring system to guarantee high responsiveness to alerts. Should an incident occur, our team conducts prompt investigations into the underlying causes and takes immediate steps to resolve them. Our dedicated SRE team maintains a constant vigil, working tirelessly 24/7/365 to ensure the availability of your endpoints.

Decide which plan suits your needs better or create one

1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months


You're just getting started and the budget is tight - but you can't afford to lose your first customers either

Get started


You've passed the launch and have a positive dynamic on reaching new customers

Get started


You have a fast-growing product with an increasing number of users

Get started


You have a high-loaded product, and the uptime becomes crucial for reputation and profitability

Get started

Finding it challenging to select a plan that meets all your needs?

Take matters into your own hands and create a customized plan that aligns perfectly with your requirements

Estimate the cost

Why work with us?


making businesses significant with DevOps mindset

time zones

conquered by our professionalism


according to Upwork and Clutch job reviews

of clients

opt for our SRE services after DevOps project is delivered

Any questions left?

What is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)? +

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a modern approach to running large-scale, reliable services. SRE implements aspects of software engineering into the IT operations domain to create a balance between reliability and the need for new features. At Corewide, we don’t just stick to the script; we add our own flavor to make SRE services uniquely beneficial for you.
Availability: We’re like your neighborhood watch, ensuring everything’s running smoothly 24/7/365 because we understand the online world doesn’t hit the pause button.
Essential Monitoring & Proactive Observability: Picture us as your digital guardian, always watching, always alert. We keep an eagle eye on infrastructure events and performance metrics, ensuring your users have a seamless experience and detecting potential hiccups before they turn into headaches.
Audit: We believe there’s always room for better. By regularly auditing and analyzing performance metrics, we guide your systems toward perfection, ensuring they’re not just meeting but exceeding expectations.
Managed Backups: Imagine having a safety deposit box for your most precious data. We maintain secure backups to a storage of your choice, providing that peace of mind in the event of any data loss.
Swift Response Time: We’re like firefighters, ready to tackle issues at a moment's notice, understanding that in this digital age, time is of the essence. So, that’s Corewide’s SRE services for you – a unique blend of the classic and the modern, ensuring your systems are not just reliable but also ahead of the curve.

How can SRE Services benefit my business? +

By implementing SRE services at Corewide, your business stands to gain a multitude of benefits. Firstly, we aim to minimize manual operations work, allowing your team to focus on what they do best, thereby driving innovation. Secondly, by increasing system reliability and availability, we ensure optimal user experience, translating to customer satisfaction and potentially higher revenues. Lastly, our emphasis on automation and continuous improvement leads to reduced incident response times and streamlined release processes, significantly reducing the overall costs related to system downtimes.

What's the difference between an 'Incident' and an 'Urgent Incident'? +

At Corewide, we define an 'Incident' as an event in the client's systems that is either detected by our advanced Monitoring System, reported directly by the client, or encompasses requests for the SRE team. An 'Urgent Incident', on the other hand, is a situation where the Production Client Systems are substantially inaccessible or unusable, experience a disruption of core functionality, or are explicitly marked as urgent by the client and acknowledged as such by our consultant team. Urgent Incidents are prioritized to ensure rapid response and resolution, maintaining the integrity and functionality of your systems.

What is meant by 'Response Time'?


At Corewide, when we talk about 'Response Time', we mean how quickly our team gets back to you to let you know we’re on the case after an Incident has popped up. It’s our way to make sure you’re in the loop, and we’re tackling the issue. And the cool part? You get to pick how speedy this is! We offer response times ranging from 10 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on what suits your needs best.

What SLOs does Corewide offer?


At Corewide, our Service Level Objective (SLO) guarantees uptime ranging from 99.5% to 99.9%, depending on the subscription plan you choose. This represents the percentage of time that Production Client Systems should be available over a one-month reporting period. Our aim is always to exceed these benchmarks and provide you with a seamless experience.

What is the difference between Essential Monitoring and Proactive Observability?


Essential Monitoring focuses on the fundamental metrics of the Client Systems. It primarily keeps an eye on the HTTP/HTTPS endpoint availability, endpoint response time, network availability and checks for the expiration of TLS certificates and domains. On the other hand, Proactive Observability is a more comprehensive approach. While it includes monitoring similar metrics, it goes a step further by extending the Monitoring System with additional metrics and alerts. This advanced level of observability allows us at Corewide to detect potential incidents before they occur. It encompasses monitoring of various parameters like CPU/RAM and Disk usage and speed, Network bandwidth and volume, HTTP/HTTPS connection statistics, Database performance metrics, OS-level processes metrics, and even event logs parsing. In simpler terms, Proactive Observability provides a deeper dive into system performance, aiming to foresee and mitigate issues before they impact the system.

Our clients speak for us

Corewide saved the day when many said it couldn't be done! On an extremely tight turnaround, the Corewide team provided great expertise and a sense of diligence that is hard to find. The work completed was of the highest quality, and after-delivery care was immediate and consistent. I would recommend to anybody looking for a knowledgeable DevOps hire that is not only hard-working but amazingly friendly and understanding too.

Roan Mooij

MR Media

Fantastic work! This was a challenging project, and we received a superb result within the schedule. We were especially impressed with the CTO of Corewide and his ability to rapidly understand our complex requirements and present solutions that meet our needs and align with best practices. We plan to work with Corewide again.

Colin Pickard

Intelligent Voice

I really enjoyed working with Corewide. Their team is talented and very thorough, demonstrating a high level of detail in their reviews. I will definitely engage with them again in the future when I have Ops requirements for our AWS infrastructure.

Nicholas Valbusa


Corewide is absolutely brilliant! We have been working with their business for many years and have benefited tremendously from their brilliant services and network designs. Denis is a holistic thinker, and his solution is superb! An absolute goldmine. We highly recommend Corewide.

Sheh Adams

Director of Operations


Join the success stories



Getting ready for Magento 2: On top performance and impeccable security

The client owns one of the popular B2C shops in their country. As their business grew, the customer’s developer worked on a new version of their e-commerce website powered by Magento 2 and needed to ensure their infrastructure can meet all performance and security requirements before the release.



Bulletproofing high load: A Failover and backup strategy for unrivaled Resilience



Under 24/7 watch: Troubleshooting 132 Incidents and keeping rocking


Tap into the invaluable SRE insights from our experts

What do you imagine when hearing the “tech support” term? I bet you think about people in headphones drinking litres of coffee and constantly saying something like, “have you tried turning it off and on again?”

Indeed, tech support refers to helping deal with specific issues customers face while using a product or a service.

But there are also support engineers who struggle in the shadows – they cover internal systems monitoring and infrastructure stability to deliver an excellent user experience. And let me focus on this invisible side of tech support further on.

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Organizations always appeal to DevOps as a panacea to get hardware and software running like clockwork and never failing. But the thing is that DevOps only provides recommendations on improvements – the SRE encompasses their implementation.

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It’s astonishing to live at a time of such a speedy evolution pace – can you believe cell phones to be a luxury 20 years ago? The same thing happens in the IT field – cutting-edge solutions and new tech trends shake the world every year, if not more often.

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CTO photo

Denis Prysukhin

CTO at Corewide

We know it's hard to entrust your business to strangers. Let's change it. Take a step forward.